Policy Descriptions
The following table provides a description of the polices available to enable for any role:
Capture / Forensic Search: View packets from captures and forensic searches create by other users
This policy allows a user to view packets from captures and forensic searches created by other users.
Capture / Forensic Search: View statistics from captures and forensic searches create by other users
This policy allows a user to view statistics from captures and forensic searches created by other users.
Capture: Create new capture
This policy allows a user to create a new capture.
Capture: Delete captures created by other users
This policy allows a user to delete captures created by other users.
Capture: Delete files created by other users
This policy allows a user to delete capture files created by other users.
Capture: Modify captures create by other users
This policy allows a user to modify the capture settings created by other users.
Capture: Start/stop captures created by other users
This policy allows a user to start and stop captures created by other users.
Capture: View captures created by other users
This policy allows a user to view captures created by other users. The user must also have either the View Packets ACL or View Statistics ACL permission (first two policies in this table) as well to open a capture window for a capture the user doesn’t own.
Configuration: Configure engine settings
This policy allows a user to configure engine settings.
Configuration: Download packet data
This policy allows a user to download packet files.
Configuration: Upload files
This policy allows a user to upload packet files.
Configuration: View the audit log
This policy allows a user to view the Audit Log.
Forensic Search: Create new forensic search
This policy allows a user to create forensic searches created by others.
Forensic Search: Delete forensic searches created by other users
This policy allows the user to delete a forensic search.
Forensic Search: View forensic searches created by other user
This policy allows a user to view a forensic search for a forensic search the user doesn’t own. The user must also have either the View Packets ACL or View Statistics ACL permission (first two policies in this table) as well to view the forensic search for a forensic search the user doesn’t own.
System: Allow usage
This policy allows a user to use any REST-API or Omni protocol command, which effectively includes all Capture Engine functionality.