Configuring LiveWire : Configuring network settings by command script : Connecting to LiveWire Edge via the Mini-USB Console Port
Connecting to LiveWire Edge via the Mini-USB Console Port
The Mini-USB port (Console port) on LiveWire Edge lets you connect to another computer terminal for advanced diagnostics or recovery access using a mini-USB console cable (included with LiveWire Edge) connected from the USB port on your PC/laptop to the Mini-USB Port of LiveWire Edge.
Using the Mini-USB port on LiveWire Edge, a laptop, and a terminal program of your choice, you can log into LiveWire Edge and access the LiveWire command prompt (admin@ivewire).
To connect to LiveWire Edge:
1. Connect the mini-USB console cable from your laptop to the Mini-USB port on LiveWire Edge.
2. Using any serial terminal program (e.g., HyperTerminal or Putty), establish a connection to LiveWire. Make sure the appropriate terminal settings match the default settings below for LiveWire Edge:
Terminal Type: [VT100+]
Bits per second: [115200]
Data Bits: [8]
Parity: [None]
Stop Bits: [1]
Flow Control: [None]
VT-UTF8 Combo Key Support: [Enabled]
Recorder Mode: [Disabled]
Resolution 100x31: [Enabled]
3. Once a connection to LiveWire Edge has been established, the LiveWire Edge login prompt appears.
4. Log into LiveWire Edge as you normally would. The LiveWire Edge command prompt (admin@livewire) appears.