Configuring LiveWire : Integrated Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) : Access BIOS setting to configure IP address
Access BIOS setting to configure IP address
You must be physically present at LiveWire to initially set the iDRAC IP address. Once set, you can use iDRAC to view or change the setting.
To initially set the iDRAC IP address:
1. Locate the iDRAC port on the front or back of LiveWire, and connect an Ethernet cable from your network to the iDRAC port.
2. Reboot or restart LiveWire.
3. Press the [F2] key multiple times during system boot to enter the BIOS settings.
4. Select iDRAC Settings from the Advanced menu.
5. Select Network from the iDRAC submenu.
6. iDRAC is set to by default. You can change the static address as well. You will need this IP address in order to remotely access LiveWire.
7. Press [Esc] to back out of each menu, then press Enter to confirm exit.