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Displaying and Reporting Statistics : Countries statistics
Countries statistics
Countries statistics show a geographical breakdown of traffic based on IP address for a capture window. If the source country is not available, then Private Network, Multicast, or Unknown is displayed. See Special address ranges.
To view Countries statistics:
Click the Countries view in the navigation pane of a capture window.
The parts of the Countries view are described below.
Countries: Shows total count of countries observed.
Refresh: (Omnipeek only) Sets display refresh interval. If interval is set to Manual, display will update only when Refresh is clicked.
Make Filter: Opens the Insert Filter dialog. See Creating filters with the Make Filter command.
Graph: (Omnipeek only) Opens the Graph Data Options dialog. See Creating Graphs.
NOTE: You can save the country statistics to a tab-delimited text or CSV file by right-clicking inside the Countries view and selecting Save Country Statistics (or on the File menu, click Save Country Statistics).