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Analysis Modules : Analysis Module Descriptions : Aggregator/Roaming Adapter
Aggregator/Roaming Adapter
The Aggregator/Roaming Adapter, which appears in the Analysis Modules view of the Options dialog in Omnipeek, lets you capture and analyze traffic from multiple sources. For wired traffic, it aggregates packets from multiple wired adapters. For wireless traffic, it captures wireless packets from multiple channels simultaneously, measures vital statistics on each channel separately, and calculates the latency of devices roaming between access points. See Configuring adapter options. You can enable or disable the Aggregator/Roaming Adapter functionality in Omnipeek in the Analysis Modules view of the Options dialog.
To change options in the Aggregator/Roaming Options dialog:
1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click Analysis Modules.
2. Select Aggregator/Roaming and click Options. The Aggregator/Roaming Options dialog appears.
3. Configure the dialog:
Accept CRC packets: Select this option to show CRC packets for AirPcap adapters in the Packets view.
Filter out roams with missing Association packets: Select this option to hide missing association packets in the Roaming views. This option is enabled by default.
Calculate Latency Between Ack to Ack: Select this option to calculate the latency between the last data packet with a corresponding ACK from the old access point, and the first data packet with a corresponding ACK from the new access point. Also by default, this option filters out all the roams with missing association.
4. Click OK to accept your changes.