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Viewing and Decoding Packets : Decoding packets : Adding decode columns to the Packets view
Adding decode columns to the Packets view
Many parameter names listed in the Decode view appear as column headings in the Packets view; however, there are many parameters that don’t. From the Decode pane in the Packets view, or from the Decode view itself, you can right-click a parameter and have that parameter appear as a column heading in the Packets view. This allows you to have multiple decode columns appear in the Packets view at the same time for easy comparison of decode data.
To add a decode parameter as a column in the Packets view:
In the Decode view, or in the Decode pane in the Packets view, right-click the desired decode parameter and click Add As A Decode Column.
To remove a decode parameter as a column in the Packets view:
1. In the Packets view, click the packets column heading. The Columns tab of the Packet List Options dialog appears.
2. Scroll down to decode heading you want to remove, and deselect the check box of the decode heading.
3. Click OK. The decode column heading is removed from the Packets view and also from the Columns tab of the Packet List Options dialog.